I Couldn’t Believe My Eyes
Mono Lake Photos in winter. One January day not long ago I topped the pass above and just to the north of Mono Lake at sunrise and my heart sank. More than 2,000 miles into a scenic road trip up the California Coast, to Mount Shasta, then Portland, and then back down the Eastern Sierra, the photographic jewel of my journey was completely socked in with fog. I almost kept driving south toward Mammoth, but I had driven this far… When I got to the small road that takes one to the south tufas I turned off anyway, just to see what I could get.
When I got down to the lake, the fog, the lake, and what light was available were working together to create what can only be called “fogbows.” They cast an ethereal light around the scenes. I know they were not created by the lens, because when I looked with only my eyes, they were still there. See more below…