SEO Part 2: Social Linking Made Easy

In my previous post in this series on search engine optimization (SEO) I focused on the words you use in both the foregrounds and backgrounds of your site, which is the most important element in effective SEO and getting to the top of the search engines. Now I want to address the second … Read More

Winning Grants 102: Eight Tips for Success

A few weeks back I wrote a post on this blog about issues your team should consider before you start writing a proposal in response to a funding opportunity announcement. So, you have outlined your intentions and considered the intended impact. You have determined the types of projects or programs you can … Read More

Search Engine Optimization 1: Words Matter

When people approach me about  search engine optimization services they often come armed with loads of complex plans and schemes they believe they are supposed to be following, based on what they’ve found doing internet research. When I get into those meetings I feel like a doctor whose patient just … Read More

Doing What You Love

I have always loved something about every job I’ve ever had. When I was an Army scout platoon sergeant it was sneaking a patrol right up to an old stone border marker at 2 in the morning and startling a squad of East German solders on the other side out … Read More

Getting Started on That Book

That book has been in the back of your mind for years and it is finally coming to the fore. You know how to do something that is truly transformative, you have the proven methods to make it work, and you want to share it with other people so they … Read More

Ghostwriters: Writing As Other People

As a ghostwriter, I often get questions about the art not only from prospective clients but also from other writers and editors who are considering venturing into this mysterious corner of the writing profession as they strike out on their own. What differentiates ghostwriting from any other writing you do … Read More